Teach Rural Job Board

Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountain area is a place where many times there are more antelope than people and mountains are almost always guaranteed to be visible in the distance.

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Region Spotlight

Fort Washakie, Wyoming

The Rocky Mountains contain the Rural Schools Collaborative Northern Rockies Hub. The partnership and work of the Northern Rockies hub site centers on Teton Science Schools’ new Place Network, a collaborative network of K-12 schools that focus on connecting rural schools and communities through place-based education.

Mark Roy is a seventh and eighth grade science teacher in Fort Washakie, Wyoming. It was obvious to Mark where he wanted to teach because of his love for engaging in the world around him. Wyoming is where he wanted other kids to learn that all of the skills and knowledge that they do develop in school is actually applicable.

Read more about Mark's Experience in Fort Washakie



Fort Washakie School

Landscape Highlight

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