Maria Coady, Williston, FL

April 27, 2020 |

We are asking rural communities to share how COVID-19 is impacting them and how teachers and teacher-leaders are adapting in the face of nationwide school closures. Read below for a perspective from rural community member Maria Coady of Williston, FL. You can share yours here: http://buff.ly/3d7hWUe

"The district has organized weekly meal pickups on Tuesdays (only), because the entire district is Title I free breakfast and lunch. For Spanish speaking families, the district is using a text messaging system that translates information to them. We created short videos in Spanish for families to learn about and prevent the spread of CV19. Few families have consistent access to Internet. Immigrant families continue to work in fields and on horse farms. Printed packets of school work are also distributed at food pickup or dropped off by bus drivers for families who cannot make it to the school."

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Connie Skrmetta - Delisle, MS

August 20, 2024

Highlighting the innovative programs created and led by Mississippi Rural Teacher of the Year winner, Connie Skrmetta, the Health and Physical Education Teacher at DeLisle Elementary School in DeLisle, MS.

Regional Hubs, Power of Partnerships, Place-Based Education, Local Philanthropy, Teacher Profile, Teacher Feature: Mississippi, Mississippi

Todd Willis - Tate County, MS

July 9, 2024

Highlighting the innovative programs created and led by Mississippi Rural Teacher of the Year winner, Todd Willis, an innovative 3rd grade Teacher at Coldwater Elementary School in Tate County, MS.

Regional Hubs, Place-Based Education, Local Philanthropy, Teacher Profile, Teacher Feature: Mississippi, Mississippi

Dr. Brandon Renfroe - Geraldine, AL

May 6, 2024

How rural-focused Higher-Ed programs nurture K-12 education.

Alabama & Black Belt, Teacher Profile, Podcast, Teacher Feature: Alabama