Sadie Coffey, Shickley, NE

Zoom lessons and fun activities during school closure

July 1, 2020 |

We are asking how COVID-19 is impacting rural communities. Read a perspective below from Superintendent Sadie Coffey from Shickley, NE. You can share yours here: bit.ly/iaartcovid

Jennifer Sokol, a long term substitute teacher in high school English stepped in for Shickley in January and will remain throughout this final quarter. She is teaching via Zoom media.

Our students and families made a smooth transition from in-person/standard school operations on Tuesday, March 16th to virtual learning on Wednesday, March 17th. Sandi Snyder, 8th-12th grade math teacher, is pictured below working with her students via Zoom, Screencastify, and her MimioBoard:

Second Grade Teacher, Caroline Mosier, celebrated with each one of her students after they met their AR goal by driving to each house, honking excitedly, and having a social distancing one-on-one time with them!

Our school daycare is still operating and has been a huge benefit to our essential workers and families still in need of care for their children. Some of our toddlers and PK kiddos are pictured below getting ready for their playground Easter Egg Hunt. Our infant, toddler, and PK paraprofessionals continue to work with these children and other daycare/PK students each and every day Monday-Friday.

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