Lisa Cass, Hastings, NE

Performing science experiments with videos

April 30, 2020 |

When asked how her school was responding to COVID-19 closures, principal Allyson Bohlen had the following to say about how one teacher was making it special: "Mrs. Cass does an amazing job of enthusiastically involving students and their families with online videos and activities...I wanted to send a video of an experiment that one of her students and her family completed."

And here's a word from Mrs. Cass herself about the changes: "The theme in our classroom during the 2019-20 school year has been, “Reading takes you Everywhere!” Because of our global focus, 3rd graders immediately thought of our Rotary International friends around the world, caring about their well being. During online learning, we have heard from friends in Italy, Spain, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Brazil and around the USA. All have shared their current views out their window, along with cooking classes, music lessons, and words of encouragement that we will get through this pandemic together. Because of this experience, I know my students are developing a better sense of community in our county, state, nation and world.

When the coronavirus put an end to physically attending school in person, 3rd graders enthusiastically had a “CAN DO” attitude and went to work completing online assignments in all subject areas. We have continued on with our curriculum and recently started a chapter on force and motion in science. Students, with parents' help, have completed a variety of experiments using items found at home. This has allowed us to “think outside the box” and realize that learning can happen anywhere with a “CAN DO” attitude.

I am proud of the hard work that Adams Central students, parents, teachers, and administrators have put in since our school year was interrupted. Yes, we are disappointed that we cannot be together on a daily basis, but with hard work and determination, great learning is happening."

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