Rural Educators Across Borders

Part of place-based education is exploring the local-to-global context.

Reciprocity Project:

rec·i·proc·i·ty: the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit.

The Reciprocity Project is an I Am a Rural Teacher Pilot Program in collaboration with the Welsh Government, Rural Schools Collaborative, Teton Science Schools, University of Denver, and the University of Colorado—Denver.

The purpose of this project is to explore the feasibility of developing a uniquely rural network of international teachers and school leaders that will work together in support of place-based instruction that connects learning to communities and the world around us.

Early support for Rural Educators Across Borders has come from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sixteenth Section Fund, and individual donors.

Reciprocity Project Blog

Explore updates and stories about the project and participants!

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Reciprocity Project Teachers & Facilitators

Rural Educators Across Borders Discusses Sustainability in Rural Schools: Watch the Replay!

On May 10th, 2022 we convened our second Rural Educators Across Borders event to discuss "Sustainability in Rural Schools." It was great to see so many partners come together to think about sustainability in our rural schools across the globe. Thank you to all those who participated in the event, our panelists, our partners, and event participants! Sign up for our newsletter to be notified about future events!

Help Build a Sustainable Rural Future

If you'd like to support rural teachers in their work to build local-to-global connections, please consider making a gift to Rural Schools Collaborative.


Thanks to our Rural Educators Across Borders Reciprocity Project partners for their collaboration: